<%@ Language=VBScript %> Multi-Color Silicone Wristbands <% Response.Expires = -1500 %> <% lnOrdno=SESSION("order") If isempty(lnordno) then lnordno=0 End if %>

Wassco Corporation (est. 1992)   
515 S. 25th West Ave, Tulsa, OK 74127   
918-834-4444 phone ; 918-832-8946 fax   

Missing that human touch? 
A well informed customer service representative will answer your questions and help with your order. 918-834-4444

Pick 2, 3 or 4 colors for Vertical, Swirl, Tie Dye or Camouflage

Email Order information:
in addition to your desired text and wristband color,
Please include Name, Phone Number and Shipping Instructions

100 - $0.90
250 - $0.56
500 - $0.32
1,000 - $0.25
3,000 - $0.21
5,000 - $0.20
10,000 Plus - Inquire

ColorFill - Add $0.06

Inside Band Printed Text - add $0.04/band
<% ldcdt=date lddays=datepart("w",date,7) ldodt=dateadd("d",date,7-lddays) ldsdt=dateadd("d",date,14) lcoutput="Orders received by "&ldcdt&" will ship from Tulsa on "&ldsdt response.write lcoutput %>

2 Sizes
Adult - 210mm x 12mm x 2mm
Youth - 180mm x 12mm x 2mm